Welcome to the Jungle

22-25 August, Terény

 “Between the head and feet of any given person is a billion miles of unexplored wilderness.

Gabrielle Roth

This retreat is a journey into our primordial, instinctual selves, into our uncharted bodily wilderness, into the joy of life. We tend to see our bodies as useful allies or tools to help us achieve our goals. Our bodies have physical strength, so they can work, they can perform complex movements, so we can use them to thumb the phone, plant flowers or play football. And sometimes we may forget that our bodies are simply alive. We are beautiful living organisms that deserve our attention and are a limitless treasure trove of joy. Our bodies are sentient, breathing, soft, warm creatures that need to be cared for, that love to play, that love to connect with other creatures.

We dedicate this retreat to the process of descending from the “heights” of our minds to the “depths” of our bodies. We descend into the living animate jungle that is our living body, and through movement we explore the various patterns of instinctual natural existence.

We slow down, awaken our senses, connect to the beating of our heart, the breath of our lungs, the steps of our feet.

Everybody is welcome. No previous experience in 5Rhythms or any other dance is necessary. Bring yourself as you are and give yourself a chance to enter the wonderful jungle of your own body…

Péter Fejér
certified 5Rhythms teacher

“I believe that we all have the capacity to become fully embodied souls, and fully inspirited bodies. Body and soul are in union within us and dance is a powerful tool to bring these aspects of our existence closer together. The only thing we need to do is to move and be open to whatever is unfolding through the movement.”

Közzétéve: Fejér Péter

A 5Rhythms teacher living in Budapest, Hungary.