Inner Wilderness

A 5Rhythms workshop with Romana Soldo, June 14-16, 2024  Budapest

This is an invitation to bring our attention back to earthy, sensual source of wisdom, connected with everything around us ~ to our body.
Surrendering to the movement awakens our instinctive and spontaneous nature, it teaches us to trust that the process will take us wherever we need to go.
Resetting our ’inner compass’ to personal wavelenght by allowing feelings to move us in all shapes and forms, rocking us to our roots. Informing us what is really needed for discovering our unique expression.
Dissolving old stories we have about ourselves is opening a gentle place of inner strength, finding who we really are on the inside.

Strong back. Soft front. Wild heart.

Expanding our field of awareness by inhabiting our breath, we are transforming inner landscape into endless source of intuitive potential.

Journeying through the ‘inner wilderness’ you can tap into the timeless wisdom or at least have fun empowering your inner explorer and adventurous spirit. 🙂

Everybody is welcome, no previous experience is needed. Teaching will be in English with Hungarian translation.

Romana Soldo

>> On 5Rhythms Global

On my voyage of self-discovery I’ve journeyed through various dance schools and spiritual practices, until I’ve landed home in my body seduced by the Rhythms. Surrendering to this simple movement meditation, always teaches me how to move myself out of my way, realising that my body and my energy are the most profound teachers.
Deepening my language to know myself, this practice became my direct dialogue to this force that is moving all living things.
Inspired by this work, I endeavour to create safe space for others to remember themselves back into the body, and in that way to become more spontaneous, heartful and present human beings.

 “One’s destination is never a place,
but rather a new way of looking at things.”

Henry Miller

Közzétéve: Fejér Péter

A 5Rhythms teacher living in Budapest, Hungary.